Experiment Set “Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis”

Արտադրող: 3B Scientific
Մոդել: Experiment Set “Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis”
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Investigate pigments in plants with the help of chromatography – simply and safely.
Marked by green chlorophyll in the summer, the abundance of pigments in plant leaves becomes evident in autumn. Falling temperatures and lower light conditions causes chlorophyll to breakdown making different types and amounts of the pigments obvious through visible colour variations.
Students will separate these plant pigments using a technique called paper chromatography. Through this process, the pigments migrate on a specially treated paper, with each pigment's migration rate dependent on its solubility and degree of attraction to the paper. This kit has the great advantage that whole classes in school can use paper chromatography to isolate plant pigments without having to employ toxic solutions. The materials provided are sufficient for a class of 40 students to carry out the experiment.
2 ml of plant pigments from autumn leaves
2 Plastic capillary pipettes
20 Chromatography filter paper strips
2 x 30 ml chromatography solvent
20 Chromatography vials
1 ml green leaf pigment sample
1 ml pigment activating solution
10 Medicine beakers
20 Microcentrifuge tubes
10 Rulers
1 Plastic pipette
Additionally required equipment not included: scissors, water, wax crayon
Product Data
Product code 1005929 [W55592]
Weight 0.35 kg
Brand Neo SCI

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